Höfelmeyer Online Support is the direct first aid and enables targeted spare parts procurement and deployment planning. This minimises downtimes and failure costs and increases your productivity. The tool can be used cross-platform on existing hardware such as smartphones or tablets.

If you have any questions about our PC programmes, we offer you our Höfelmeyer Support Service. Simply download, start the programme and off you go. Without installing anything on your computer or jeopardising your company security.

You are in control of whether we are allowed to access your computer or not.

  • download
  • Start Höfelmeyer support service
  • name ID
  • Let's go

Once the support session is over, there is no more connection open. With security!

Download programme support service

Download programme Videomeeting

Jan Haferland
Strategic product & business
development manager

Phone: +49 5401 4977 34
Mobile: +49 179 2933562